Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A pause

Here it begins again with another night fallen, another day spent and me; alone sitting, slightly tipsy and crying while watching a comedic film. 

I've been told I'm just too sensitive. Yeah, that must be it. 

It's the way things are you know. The way things just, touch me...I can't find the right words to explain what it does to me, or why. 

There is this desire to be productive all the time, to accomplish things, to cross things off the list. Where does it come from? I have no other driving force pushing me anywhere yet there is a disappointment when I come to the middle of a day and I have yet to finish anything. 

Needless to say, it's enjoyable to finish a project. To complete a task. To be useful. I'd really like to be useful. I believe this is another reason why I wanted to be an actress for so long. Pathetic really.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Many Months

I've thought about writing updates to this blog countless times over the past ten months but didn't for I feared they had all begun to sound the same. In which case the meaning or purpose simply dissolves. On top of that, what did I really have to say? But here I am, giving it another go, the results of which I hope are something a bit, if not completely different.

The past several months have taken me to Phoenix and back, Washington DC, San Diego and Portland Oregon. Going back to the Herberger gave me the opportunity to not only work again, but work in an environment where I was appreciated and useful. Because of this, I was able to leave on a positive note and a more fulfilled one versus the leaving I did before a year and a half ago. 

House/pet sitting has become somewhat of a staple of my life over the last year. In fact, I am participating in such activities as I type today. It's been a good thing. 

Recently I visited Krysta in Portland, seeing her for the first time in 6 years. And it was awesome. There is a connection between us that is refreshing yet familiar and it felt good to be near her again. Relocating to Portland is a possibility that has presented itself since my visit and I am currently waiting to hear from a possible employer. We'll see, I haven't made any concrete plans at all.

Have been seeing faces from over a decade ago. It's been an interesting and fun revisiting. 

Overall, I'm feeling much better. And I am so incredibly thankful for that. It is difficult to explain. But relief is definitely present here.