Sunday, November 25, 2012

Daily Grind

Been working at the flower shop where I had my first job while a senior in high school for almost a month now. I really enjoy it. Some of the same people are still there, ten years later, and that has been awesome too. Feeling good to be working again, especially in a place that I like instead of just a place to make income.

There is a girl working there in the afternoons, Renee, who happens to be a senior in high school this year. She and I have hit it off, she reminds me of me. We're both stuck in a time warp. 

Still quizzing, which never gets old to me, and going to shows. Looking forward to December 5th, my heterolifemate will be playing her first show with her new band in Phoenix and I've made plans to go. Should be a great time!

Thanksgiving was fun, filled with friends, food and boozey drinks. I am happy these days. There is much happening. I deserve this. 

Going for a bike ride later, making veggie tacos and then quiz. It will be a good day.

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