Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A New Earth

I am reading this book by Eckhart Tolle called, A New Earth- Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. It is really interesting. It's all about separating our egos from our true selves. 

I've talked a lot about where I know I need to go from here. And I believe that repeating it to myself , will help me to get there. But as I experienced last night, these things are still so much easier said than done. The grip I have allowed others to have on me and my emotions is just silly. I really have to reformat my way of thinking so that I do not rely so much on the word of others. Instead I need to rely and react to their actions. I need to realize that I am there in some people's eyes to serve them, to give them what they need when they seek it. It has no significance relating to the fact that it is ME who is there giving them what they need. I just happened to be available. It seems most people function this way. It's disappointing.

I feel that I recognize amazing things in others, but perhaps I just see their potential before they are ready to recognize it for themselves. Because of this, I am left behind and hurt myself. This is what I need to take control of, get in charge of how I handle myself. Stop giving myself away and prevent myself from feeling less than because of other people. 

Like I's a process. 


  1. "Learn to sit through the feelings. Know that they won't last forever"
